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addEvaluation(Objective, Evaluation, double) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.problems.objectives.evaluations.WeightedIndexEvaluation
Add an evaluation produced by an objective, specifying its weight.
addObjective(Objective<? super SolutionType, ? super DataType>, double) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.problems.objectives.WeightedIndex
Add an objective with corresponding weight.
addProblem(String, Problem<SolutionType>) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.Analysis
Add a problem to be analyzed.
addSearch(String, SearchFactory<SolutionType>) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.Analysis
Add a search to be applied to solve the analyzed problems.
Analysis<SolutionType extends org.jamesframework.core.problems.Solution> - Class in org.jamesframework.ext.analysis
This analysis class can be used to set up and run an experiment with different search algorithms applied to several problem instances, for example with different data sets, objectives or problem parameters.
Analysis() - Constructor for class org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.Analysis
Create an analysis object.
AnalysisResults<SolutionType extends org.jamesframework.core.problems.Solution> - Class in org.jamesframework.ext.analysis
Groups results of an analysis performed by an Analysis object.
AnalysisResults() - Constructor for class org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.AnalysisResults
Create an empty results object.
apply(PermutationSolution) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.neigh.moves.ReverseSubsequenceMove
Reverse the subsequence by performing a series of swaps in the given permutation solution.
apply(PermutationSolution) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.neigh.moves.SingleSwapMove
Apply the move by swapping the items at the positions specified at construction.


CompositeNeighbourhood<SolutionType extends org.jamesframework.core.problems.Solution> - Class in
A composite neighbourhood combines a collection of other neighbourhoods which each have a weight that determines the relative frequency with which random moves are sampled from each contained neighbourhood.
CompositeNeighbourhood(List<? extends Neighbourhood<? super SolutionType>>, List<Double>) - Constructor for class
Creates a composite neighbourhood consisting of the list of given neighbourhoods and specified weights.
copy() - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.PermutationSolution
Creates a deep copy of this permutation solution with the same order of IDs.
create(Problem<SolutionType>) - Method in interface org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.SearchFactory
Create a search given the problem to solve.
createRandomSolution() - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.PermutationProblem
Create a random permutation solution.


DuplicateIDException - Exception in org.jamesframework.ext.analysis
Exception thrown when duplicate problem or search IDs are encountered in an analysis.
DuplicateIDException() - Constructor for exception org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.DuplicateIDException
Creates a new instance without detail message.
DuplicateIDException(String) - Constructor for exception org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.DuplicateIDException
Constructs an instance with the specified detail message.


equals(Object) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.neigh.moves.ReverseSubsequenceMove
Two moves of this type are considered equals if they reverse the same subsequence.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.neigh.moves.SingleSwapMove
Two single swap moves are considered equal if they swap the same pair of items.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.PermutationSolution
Checks whether the given other object is also a permutation solution consisting of the same IDs in exactly the same order.
evaluate(SolutionType, DataType) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.problems.objectives.WeightedIndex
Produces an evaluation object that reflects the weighted sum of evaluations of all underlying objectives.
evaluate(Move<? super ActualSolutionType>, ActualSolutionType, Evaluation, DataType) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.problems.objectives.WeightedIndex
Delta evaluation.


getAllMoves(PermutationSolution) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.neigh.ReverseSubsequenceNeighbourhood
Create a list of all possible moves that reverse a subsequence of the permutation.
getAllMoves(PermutationSolution) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.neigh.SingleSwapNeighbourhood
Create a list of all possible single swap moves.
getAllMoves(SolutionType) - Method in class
Creates and returns the union of all moves generated by each of the contained neighbourhoods.
getBestSolution() - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.SearchRunResults
Get the best solution found during this search run
getEvaluation(Objective) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.problems.objectives.evaluations.WeightedIndexEvaluation
Get a previously added evaluation produced by a specific objective.
getFrom() - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.neigh.moves.ReverseSubsequenceMove
Get the first position in the reversed subsequence.
getI() - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.neigh.moves.SingleSwapMove
Get the position of the first swapped item.
getJ() - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.neigh.moves.SingleSwapMove
Get the position of the second swapped item.
getNumBurnIn() - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.Analysis
Get the global number of additional burn-in runs that will be performed for every applied search for which no search specific number of burn-in runs has been set.
getNumBurnIn(String) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.Analysis
Get the number of additional burn-in runs that will be performed for the search with the given ID.
getNumProblems() - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.AnalysisResults
Get the number of analyzed problems.
getNumRuns() - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.Analysis
Get the global number of runs that will be performed for every applied search for which no search specific number of runs has been set.
getNumRuns(String) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.Analysis
Get the number of runs that will be performed for the search with the given ID.
getNumRuns(String, String) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.AnalysisResults
Get the number of performed runs of the given search when solving the given problem.
getNumSearches(String) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.AnalysisResults
Get the number of different searches that have been applied to solve the problem with the given ID.
getNumUpdates() - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.SearchRunResults
Get the number of registered best solution updates.
getOrder() - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.PermutationSolution
Get an unmodifiable view of the current order of IDs.
getProblemIDs() - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.AnalysisResults
Get the IDs of the analyzed problems (unmodifiable view).
getRandomMove(PermutationSolution) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.neigh.ReverseSubsequenceNeighbourhood
Create a random move that reverses a subsequence of the permutation.
getRandomMove(PermutationSolution) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.neigh.SingleSwapNeighbourhood
Create a random single swap move.
getRandomMove(SolutionType) - Method in class
Produces a random move generated by one of the contained neighbourhoods based on the assigned weights.
getRun(String, String, int) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.AnalysisResults
Get the results of the i-th performed run of the given search when solving the given problem.
getSearchIDs(String) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.AnalysisResults
Get the IDs of the different searches that have been applied to solve the problem with the given ID (unmodifiable view).
getTimes() - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.SearchRunResults
Get a list of the update times (unmodifiable view).
getTo() - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.neigh.moves.ReverseSubsequenceMove
Get the last position in the reversed subsequence.
getValue() - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.problems.objectives.evaluations.WeightedIndexEvaluation
The value consist of the weighted sum of the values of all added evaluations.
getValues() - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.SearchRunResults
Get a list of the values of the newly found best solutions (unmodifiable view).


hashCode() - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.neigh.moves.ReverseSubsequenceMove
Hash code computation corresponding to implementation of ReverseSubsequenceMove.equals(Object).
hashCode() - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.neigh.moves.SingleSwapMove
Hash code computation corresponding to the implementation of SingleSwapMove.equals(Object).
hashCode() - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.PermutationSolution
Hash code computation corresponding to the implementation of PermutationSolution.equals(Object).


isMinimizing() - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.problems.objectives.WeightedIndex
Weighted index is always maximizing, so this method always returns false.


JsonConverter<T> - Interface in org.jamesframework.ext.analysis
A JSON converter is a functional interface defining a single method to convert objects of a specific type to a JSON representation.


merge(AnalysisResults<SolutionType>) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.AnalysisResults
Merge the given results into this results object.


org.jamesframework.ext.analysis - package org.jamesframework.ext.analysis
Analysis tools to compare algorithm performance and assess parameter value influence.
org.jamesframework.ext.permutation - package org.jamesframework.ext.permutation
Predefined permutation problem.
org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.neigh - package org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.neigh
Predefined permutation neighbourhoods.
org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.neigh.moves - package org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.neigh.moves
Moves generated by provided permutation neighbourhoods.
org.jamesframework.ext.problems.objectives - package org.jamesframework.ext.problems.objectives
Advanced objective functions.
org.jamesframework.ext.problems.objectives.evaluations - package org.jamesframework.ext.problems.objectives.evaluations
Evaluations produced by advanced objective functions. - package
Advanced generic neighbourhoods.


PERMUTATION_SOLUTION - Static variable in interface org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.JsonConverter
Predefined converter for permutation solutions that creates a JSON array containing the ordered IDs.
PermutationProblem<DataType extends org.jamesframework.core.problems.datatypes.IntegerIdentifiedData> - Class in org.jamesframework.ext.permutation
Generic permutation problem.
PermutationProblem(Objective<? super PermutationSolution, ? super DataType>, DataType) - Constructor for class org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.PermutationProblem
Create a permutation problem with given objective and data.
PermutationSolution - Class in org.jamesframework.ext.permutation
High-level order solution modeled in terms of IDs of ordered items.
PermutationSolution(List<Integer>) - Constructor for class org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.PermutationSolution
Creates a order solution.


registerSearchRun(String, String, SearchRunResults<SolutionType>) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.AnalysisResults
Register results of a search run, specifying the IDs of the problem being solved and the applied search.
removeObjective(Objective<? super SolutionType, ? super DataType>) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.problems.objectives.WeightedIndex
Remove an objective, if present.
ReverseSubsequenceMove - Class in org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.neigh.moves
A move that reverses a subsequence of a permutation.
ReverseSubsequenceMove(int, int) - Constructor for class org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.neigh.moves.ReverseSubsequenceMove
Create a move that will reverse the subsequence from one up to another position in the permutation.
ReverseSubsequenceNeighbourhood - Class in org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.neigh
Permutation neighbourhood which generates moves that reverse a subsequence of the permutation.
ReverseSubsequenceNeighbourhood() - Constructor for class org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.neigh.ReverseSubsequenceNeighbourhood
run() - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.Analysis
Run the analysis.


SearchFactory<SolutionType extends org.jamesframework.core.problems.Solution> - Interface in org.jamesframework.ext.analysis
Interface of a search factory used to create a search given the problem to be solved.
SearchRunResults<SolutionType extends org.jamesframework.core.problems.Solution> - Class in org.jamesframework.ext.analysis
Contains results of a search run.
SearchRunResults() - Constructor for class org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.SearchRunResults
Create an empty instance.
SearchRunResults(SearchRunResults<SolutionType>) - Constructor for class org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.SearchRunResults
Copy constructor.
setNumBurnIn(int) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.Analysis
Set the global number of additional burn-in runs that will be performed for every applied search for which no search specific number of burn-in runs is set.
setNumBurnIn(String, int) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.Analysis
Set the number of additional burn-in runs to be performed for the given search.
setNumRuns(int) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.Analysis
Set the global number of runs that will be performed for every applied search for which no search specific number of runs is set.
setNumRuns(String, int) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.Analysis
Set the number of runs to be performed for the given search.
SingleSwapMove - Class in org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.neigh.moves
A move that swaps two items at given positions in a permutation solution.
SingleSwapMove(int, int) - Constructor for class org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.neigh.moves.SingleSwapMove
Create a single swap move given the two positions in the permutation at which items are to be swapped.
SingleSwapNeighbourhood - Class in org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.neigh
Permutation neighbourhood that generates single swap moves.
SingleSwapNeighbourhood() - Constructor for class org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.neigh.SingleSwapNeighbourhood
size() - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.PermutationSolution
Get the number of items in this permutation.
SUBSET_SOLUTION - Static variable in interface org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.JsonConverter
Predefined converter for subset solutions that creates a JSON array containing the selected IDs.
swap(int, int) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.PermutationSolution
Swap the items at position i and j in the permutation.


toJson(T) - Method in interface org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.JsonConverter
Convert an object to a JSON representation.


undo(PermutationSolution) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.neigh.moves.ReverseSubsequenceMove
Undo move by reverting the order of the reversed subsequence.
undo(PermutationSolution) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.permutation.neigh.moves.SingleSwapMove
Undo a previously applied swap move.
UnknownIDException - Exception in org.jamesframework.ext.analysis
Exception thrown when unknown problem or search IDs are encountered in an analysis.
UnknownIDException() - Constructor for exception org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.UnknownIDException
Creates a new instance without detail message.
UnknownIDException(String) - Constructor for exception org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.UnknownIDException
Constructs an instance with the specified detail message.
updateBestSolution(long, double, SolutionType) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.SearchRunResults
Update the best found solution.


WeightedIndex<SolutionType extends org.jamesframework.core.problems.Solution,DataType> - Class in org.jamesframework.ext.problems.objectives
An index that is composed as a weighted sum of several objectives.
WeightedIndex() - Constructor for class org.jamesframework.ext.problems.objectives.WeightedIndex
Create an empty weighted index.
WeightedIndexEvaluation - Class in org.jamesframework.ext.problems.objectives.evaluations
Evaluation produced by a weighted index.
WeightedIndexEvaluation() - Constructor for class org.jamesframework.ext.problems.objectives.evaluations.WeightedIndexEvaluation
Create an empty evaluation.
writeJSON(String) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.AnalysisResults
Write the results to a JSON file that can be loaded into R to be inspected and visualized using the james-analysis R package.
writeJSON(String, JsonConverter<SolutionType>) - Method in class org.jamesframework.ext.analysis.AnalysisResults
Write the results to a JSON file that can be loaded into R to be inspected and visualized using the james-analysis R package.
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